Monday, April 9, 2018

She's Out of Surgery

Ella is out of the operating room. We got to see her wheeled to her room which was a relief. Then the surgeon came in and gave us the update on her status and that relief turned into angst.

Long story short, her oxygen levels are not high enough and they are concerned about it. If she cannot get these levels up, she will have to go on a back up bypass machine called an ECMO, which is not good. We were told that if she has to be on this machine she will have a 50% chance of living. We are not doing very well with this news as you can imagine. We know that God has her in His hands, but those chances are scary to hear.

Please pray for her oxygen levels to come up and that we would be able to put our trust in God's plan. I know for me this is when my faith and trust starts to waiver a little and I don't want that to happen so if you could help me in praying for that faith, that would be really helpful. Matt has asked that you would pray that his stress and anxiety levels to subside. Please pray for God's peace over all of us.

Thanks for following our journey. We will know more in an hour or so and Matt and I will get to see her soon. This has been a rough day.


  1. Gracious God, we know you are the greatest healer of all. We know that you have little Ella Rae and her parents in your care. Please, Lord, grant her parents the peace that they need in this trying time. And we ask for Ella's oxygen levels to come up. Help us in all of this to know that you are in control. We are grateful for the doctors and the nurses and the medical community that this dear family encounters. It's times like this when we really don't know what else to do but to pray and cast our cares upon you. In your Son's name we pray, Amen.

  2. Praying for Ella and entire family


Wednesday... Thursday...Friday-We Are Home!

Wow. Talk about a whirlwind.  Sorry I wasn't able to update everyone on Thursday. Things just got so busy!!! It was so different than wh...