Wednesday, February 6, 2019

A Post I Thought I Posted A While Ago...

Hi everyone!

We went to the imaging center in Sacramento today to do the barium swallow study. I didn't know what that was until I looked it up, so I'll explain it in a nutshell for you! The nurse put a barium solution into Ella's tummy through the g-tube to watch the progression of it in Ella's digestive tract. While Ella's body started digesting it, the radiologist watched it move around in her stomach through an x-ray machine. He was looking to see if there were any obstructions or ulcers. It took about five minutes total and he said everything looked good. This was a relief but still kept me wondering why she throws up so much. I decided to look at it as a good thing and to be happy that there isn't some big issue in her tummy! The medical field really is amazing. The things that they do now is pretty incredible.

Ella was so cute during the appointment. She was so smiley and kicking around. She was so cooperative throughout the whole process. I had to turn her on her side, and then to her back, then to the other side, then back to her back, and she was all giggly (I assume this because we cannot hear her laugh because of the trach, but she looked like she was! 😃). At one point I was actually told to hold her legs still because she was kicking them so much. I cannot tell you how good that made me feel. A little over a month ago she wasn't moving a ton and now I have to hold her legs because they are too wiggly? Heck YES! It makes me smile just thinking about her cute little body on the x-ray table as happy as can be. I am so thankful that she just goes with the flow. She is a sweet, easy-going baby. I am so thankful for her. I still cannot believe that she is over 9.5 months old. SO CRAZY! What a nutty 9.5 months.

That's all for now. I will let you know if there are any other updates with the vomiting.


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